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Joinpd (Pear Deck) Login – The Perfect Guide – Learn The New Way Learning

In this article we will tell you the whole procedure right from the starting till to the end about how to join JoinPD login. Whether you are a teacher or a student if you want to learn more about Pear Deck then this article is for you. Here you will learn how to play presentation in progress, Submit presentation content, and how to join Pear deck through JoinPD login.

Now a days, Pear deck is a very popular and quite easy to use presentation software. All the teachers, students, or anyone else can use it. You can easily create and share presentations and documents on it on real time bases.

Moreover, it contains some amazing features which makes it better from PowerPoint slide deck. In Pear deck you can easily insert web pages, you can also add images and videos, besides that, you can make your presentation mobile friendly as well.

You can follow this guide on how to join a presentation on Pear deck.

What Do You Mean By Pear Deck – JoinPD login?

Pear deck is a tool which teachers use to make interactive presentations with the help of Google Slides extension. It’s a user friendly application and can be used for everyday lessons. But it doesn’t need to be used for each and every lesson but you can use it for many different situations as its a very helpful tool.

Pear deck have both free version as well as premium version. While one can easily used the free version. As it contains enough features that make it worth to learn.

But, if you want to use more advanced features like automatic grading. Then you might consider purchasing the premium version.

Procedure To Create An Account ON Pear Deck Through

Firstly you need to create a Pear deck account in order to use it. Follow the steps given below in order to create a login account on pear deck:

  1. First visit the official website.
  2. Now, the homepage will appear on your screen. Where at the top right corner of your screen you will see the teacher login option.
  3. Click on the option and create your account.
  4. Three options will appear on your screen. Select any one of them as per your preference.
  5. After that, a pop up message will come on your screen with two options “login with Google” and “login with Microsoft”.
  6. Select any one of them, according to the account you want to login with.
  7. After the process, pear deck will verify your account. Keep it in mind, to connect your Google account with Google drive or OneDrive so that they can easily access your account.
  8. Now to create account, enter your postcode or school postcode number. Then in the next column enter your school’s name. But in case, if you don’t have US postal code or if your school’s name does an exist in the given dropdown list. Then type any 5 digit number instead of postcode.
  9. After this you will be redirect to the Pear deck dashboard. Now you can start working on it. You can make presentation or anything else you wish to do.

Procedure To Join The Pear Deck Presentation

You can join the Pear deck presentation through website. Follow the steps given below to join the presentation on joinpd.

  • First open the Google on your mobile phone, then login to by entering your account number and password.
  • Now the sign in page of Google will appear on your screen. Enter your email address and password to sign up. Then click on the sign in option in order to open the Pear deck site.
  • Once you have successfully login to your Google account then it will take you to joinPD website. A pop up dialogue box will appear it will provide you the join code which is given by your trainer or teacher.
  • Now fill the join code in the given box then click on the join button in order to start playing pear deck presentation.
  •  Once your presentation is complete. Then click on the disconnect option which is given on your screen to exit from current presentation.

Process To Get Pear Deck Joinpd Code

Whenever you will create a new Pear deck presentation, you will get a unique joinpd code. Which you need to share with your students or anyone else whom you want to join it. One can find the join code in these places:

  • In the upper right corner of your screen under presentation details tab.
  • Or in the upper right corner of your screen under the head share tab.
  • If you start your presentation on a computer which is connected to a projector for any smart board then the web address for your session will appear at the bottom of your screen that is your join code.

Procedure To Sign Up For Pear Deck Class Through JoinPD Login

If you want to sign up for Pear deck class through joinPD login. Then follow the simple steps given below:

  • Open Chrome on your mobile phone and enter in the search bar.
  • Now home page will appear on your screen, click on the sign up option given at the top right corner of your screen.
  • Now a pop up message will appear on your screen. It will have two options Google and email ID. You can choose either of them or even both.
  • Once you have chosen your sign up option comma you will be redirect to a new page there you have to enter information like your name, email ID, and password.

Process To Join Pear Deck Session

To join the pear deck session follow the steps given below:

  • From homepage, to join Peer deck session first you need to fill your session code under the head join session.
  • While your session code is a sequence of 4 to 8 letters and numbers.
  • In case if you use Pear deck with Google. While your teacher uses email address as the session code then you can join it by entering your teachers email ID as the session code.

Procedure To Attend Pear Deck Join Class

If you want to access Pear deck lesson, then you need to click on the link which is provided by your teacher or instructor. If you wish to join a class for which you have been invite then follow the simple steps given below:

  • First you need to login to your Pear deck account from But if you don’t have a account then you need to create one.
  • From the email which you have received from your teacher click on the join class option.
  • When for the very first time you join a class. You will be ask to verify your email address and enter your full name.
  • After that you will be redirect to a new page, there you need to select whether you are a teacher or a student.
  • Now click on the join class option.

Process To Present A Pear Deck Lesson

If you wish to present a lesson on pear deck, then you must have internet access and browsers like Chrome or Safari. The best thing about pear deck is you can use it on your mobile device also. Follow few simple steps to present a pear deck lesson:

  • First login to Now choose present green button which is given at upper right corner of your screen. Now you will navigate to the presentation view.
  • In case, if you have, multiple accounts then make sure that you are login with correct account and select the correct Google classroom.
  • Well, if a student has already join then you will be directly taken to the screen where you can see all your questions and add answers to them, explanations, videos, or images as per the requirement. But in case, if no one has join yet a pop up message will appear stating “welcome no students have joined yet”.
  • If you want to share your presentation with more students then click on the share option which is given at upper left corner of your screen. While you can also copy join link or join code of your presentation.
  • When students join and start answering the slides you will be able to see their responses on real time bases. On any device which have access to pear deck website or app.

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Q: How To Get The JoinPD Code?

And: You will get the joinPD code from your instructor who has made the presentation.

Q: How Can One Join

And: It’s very easy to join There are three ways to join you can use either of them: 5 digit code, link, or Email Id.

Q: What If One Do Not Have Code?

And: If you do not have code then you can enter 5 digit code and then see your dashboard.

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